Natural Dyeing

Let’s get started!
We were looking at the wrong places to begin with. Many website don't inform you the basics and they just go on with a bunch of material and tell you to put it into the pot, but in reality the process is quite lengthy and when we realised that something is going wrong, we reached out to better sources. Learning from a professional Natural dyer is honestly the best option.
Not always the results will come out as planned. You need to trust your gut. After several trials, and practising the formula for a particular colorant, you will be able to reproduce a color. So yes in short this process requires extensive practising.
Time. Time management is the toughest when it comes to natural dyeing. The color can drastically change if they are left in the colorant for long which can happen a lot in the beginning. So we recommend you to start managing the time in the beginning itself so you get the hang of it.
What do you need for Kitchen Nature?

Stainless Steel Pots (Preferably more than 3)
Wooden spoons
Weighing Scale (optional)
Ph-neutral soap or gentle hand wash/detergent for scouring
Aluminium Potassium (Alum) for mordanting
Lime Juice
Materials to dye with - Turmeric, Tea, Coffee, Raspberries, Red Cabbage, Pomegranate, Dried Onion Shells and Marigolds are optional but if you want you can try. (Refer to the *disclaimer* under "Preparing the Dye Bath" section)
Natural Fabric (try using a light to medium weight one!)
Selecting the Fabric
- Animal Fibre which is protein based such as Silk, Wool, Leather.
- Plant Fibre which is cellulose based such as Cotton, Hemp, Linen.
Scouring and Mordanting
How to Scour your Textiles?
You can simply clean them by either rinsing them with a ph-neutral soap or if you don’t have that just with a gentle hand wash soap or detergent. Rinse it and then put it on heat with a little more soap in the pot and water. Please use gloves throughout the whole process to avoid skin irritation and allergies.
Let it be on heat for like 30-40 minutes. (You can use induction as well and honestly it's better as you won’t be wasting gas.)
Submerge your fabric completely, don’t overcrowd the pot.
Turn off the heat and let it sit for 1-2 hours, and if you are too excited you can take it out immediately as well.
How to Mordant your Textiles?
Weigh your dry fabric to add 15% of Aluminium Potassium (Alum/Fitkari) as per your cotton fabric weight, and for silk 8% in a little bowl and pour hot water. Please use gloves throughout the whole process to avoid skin irritation and allergies.
If you don't have a weighing scale just add approximately, don't over add it and you'll be fine for the first time. Don’t forget to stir the solution until its contents are completely dissolved.
Mix this mordant solution in every dye bath while extraction process and then continue to color your textile in it. You'll make this solution every time depending on the amount and kind of fabric you're using.
Preparing the Dye Bath & Dyeing:
- You can first start with the dried ingredients such as Turmeric, Tea, Coffee and dry Onion skin, you can use both the types of onions, the red ones and the yellow ones.
- Take a stainless steel pot and please wear gloves.
- Boil the colourant in enough water to submerge your fabric properly. When you feel you are satisfied with the extracted colorant in the water, turn off the heat. Cook the ingredients for minimum 20 minutes to extract the dye well.
- Strain the water in another stainless steel pot to separate the boiled ingredients so they don’t stick to your cloth as they can create patches and spots hence the results could get contaminated.
- Now you are ready to dip the fabric in your freshly extracted colourant! Dunk it once or twice, now drop the fabric completely, this will avoid the chances of air bubbles to spot the fabric and also keep moving your swatches from time to time as it gives an even dye on the cloth. Use a wooden spoon to stir your textiles.
- You can simply put it on heat or if you want you can leave it inside the pot without the heat and let the fabric absorb the colorant.
- Repeat this process with the rest of the dried ingredients. You can even mix your dye baths to explore more shades and tints or boil two ingredients together.
- Red Cabbage, chop it up and boil it. It produces a beautiful color. Always use stainless steel as it doesn’t react with the ph-level of the colorant but yes, you can even experiment with that, they change drastically if you add Soda bicarbonate or vinegar. So do it and share your results with us! We would recommend you to use Silk or any Protein based fiber for this for best results !
- Raspberries, if they are available to you, you can simply mush it into a paste, boil it, strain and remove the seeds. Dunk your fabric, drop it and then don’t forget to keep moving it initially. Now the rest is on you. Decide your temperature, if you want to put it on heat or for how long do you want to let it stay in the cold dye bath! We would recommend you to use Silk or any Protein based fiber for this as well !
- Pomegranate is a really good source of dye for the fabrics and even for the cellulosic ones as it is high in tannic acid. You can boil the shell of the pomegranate and repeat the same procedure mentioned above!
Heat, time and temperatures affect the color drastically. If you want a lighter color, be quick, if you want a darker one leave it inside for hours or overnight and if you're really in the mood for experimentation, Compare your results with time and temperatures by dunking a group of samples at the same time and then taking them out on different intervals.To reproduce a color, please note the quantity of the material used as per the quantity of the fabric, the amount of water, timing for the dips, temperature and mordants with its quantities. Results vary but with these you can reproduced a color.
Post Dyeing:
After you're done dyeing, you can finally take out your textiles and wash it under cold water. We personally wash it thoroughly till the washing water becomes clear and then we put the fabric for drying. Please don't put your textiles in the sun, preferably dry them in the shade.
You can now wash it with a ph neutral soap or even mild shampoos for your silks.
Let it dry again. Ironing is upon your choice and style.
It is so informative and pretty different from what they teach us at college. Thankyou so much
Better believe im gonna turn my kitchen to a full fledged textile laboratory :)
(thankyou for this information)